Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I guess it's important to write a blog when you're not too tired to proofread your work....

"The Push" first happens when you get up. You could either roll over after you hit the snooze button, OR start 'thinking' about how you want to start your day (coffee or tea, oatmeal or eggs?) while still under the covers, OR get your lazy ass out of bed and put on your workout clothes and go to the gym or walk the dog. Why? Because, in the end, you know if you do you will be so much happier with yourself.  You'll feel so good once you get started, be so satisfied when you're done and manifest an amazing day. THAT'S WHY!
So don't think about it, because you know you've already debated it over and over again in your head. Just do it! You already know why!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There's nothing more exhilerating than watching your passion spread like wildfire to others. For instance, in yoga class a student's ambition was to start doing handstand pushups. Well, we all jumped on that bandwagon and before you knew it, we were all trying, falling and trying again. Once we all got up and did our first pushups, we all clapped for one another, as each one achieved their first upside down pushup. It makes one so proud to be in the company of others who support,  feed energy and fresh ideas to one others. It's a win, win situation.
Next goal: scorpion pose!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I was inspired today, after a walk with a friend, to start blogging about our progress, training for a half marathon walk in NYC this spring.  After only 1 month of walking weekly with her, I felt so awestruck that we could have such high ambitions and strong wills to pursue this dream - at our ages (50+).
Luckily, we like to walk, so the start wasn't too bad (4 miles). Each week we'd add 1+ miles to increase our stamina and strength. Well, week 4, we've more than doubled our starting mileage (8.5). Yay!
Achey, yes. Stiff, yes. Empowered, YES!! Grateful, HELL YA!   Two months to go......