Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Full spectrum morning

After a significant amount of time adjusting to my new life in the Caribbean, "fitness" has unfolded as a multi-level experience: mind/body/spirit is redefined. 
The beauty of a 365 day tropical experience opens up the possibilities of more outdoor time. 
First light (and its full a.m. spectrum) awakens my brain and neurological system, as my eyes see the first glimpse of the new day. Sunrise takes me outside to do my yoga/meditation/journaling ritual with nature awakening around me (sights, sounds changing, scents of flowers opening, butterflies parading thought...). Physically, mentally and spiritually I start my day, OPTING for a high vibrational experience. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

the answer

Okay...I've been blogging about mindful fitness for so long, having it morph according to my experiences. 
But today, I have THE ANSWER above all answers to staying mindfully fit: Snorkeling!!  It is an underwater practice of PRESENCE, it's a full body workout, it is aerobic, it's relaxing, it's NO IMPACT as you are floating, you're fully in nature, the practice of listening to your breath is unavoidable, and there are no noises under water- SILENCE. It's the ultimate in  total fitness!  But most of all, the awe one experiences seeing the beauty of the underwater world is so heart mask sometimes fills up with tears of joy. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

re-designing routines

The beauty of island life is having the opportunity to be outdoors all year long. I had to break my thinking of gyms, competitiveness, routine, goals. 
These days, it's meditation, a long, gentle yoga practice (my body decides what my routine is that day), walking the beach with my dog and swimming/snorkeling in the Caribbean (if the tide and current allows). 
I guess what I'm figuring out as I get older is that it's better to take it easy, yet stay active than to do nothing and overeat. And the bottom line is : do what makes you FEEL GOOD!  

Monday, March 10, 2014

mother nature's stair master

My dog Ollie and I have found our walks on the beach to be full of climbing and ducking trees and branches; such a different shoreline than the east coast. So I think our daily neighborhood dog walks of 2-3 miles, on sidewalks, to be like a stair master set on 2 and our beach walks are like setting it at 7.  What a nice form of functional fitness, being out in nature. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

my hero

It's nice to know we can be mindful at any hero, Alex!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

perspective and perception

When I have a lot going on, my morning yoga/Pilates practice is shortened, and I sit at a computer at home all day getting the business administrative stuff done. I think "bloat, blah, plump...". I think it, so I feel it, and then I look it. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy to see myself that way (sweetie!). So acting upon his compliments and affirmations of seeing "beauty and fitness", I flip my thoughts and perceptions of myself and I feel great...while I still sit and do "work".
Do we really need someone else to tell us these things in order to feel it/see it?
Of course not, but gosh it helps!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I feel the whole foundation of fitness will ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS begin from within. So here's one of my favorite reminders I'm going to re-post. Enjoy!