Saturday, February 22, 2014

my hero

It's nice to know we can be mindful at any hero, Alex!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

perspective and perception

When I have a lot going on, my morning yoga/Pilates practice is shortened, and I sit at a computer at home all day getting the business administrative stuff done. I think "bloat, blah, plump...". I think it, so I feel it, and then I look it. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy to see myself that way (sweetie!). So acting upon his compliments and affirmations of seeing "beauty and fitness", I flip my thoughts and perceptions of myself and I feel great...while I still sit and do "work".
Do we really need someone else to tell us these things in order to feel it/see it?
Of course not, but gosh it helps!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I feel the whole foundation of fitness will ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS begin from within. So here's one of my favorite reminders I'm going to re-post. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

just do it

How much time do we "think" of things/lists why we "can't" do something?  (e.g. "I don't have time. If I do this, it'll hurt. I 'promise' I'll do it tomorrow"). So, all that energy thinking about the negative stuff creates negative momentum, right? By the time we finish listing, the day is over!

If we have the one little thought that we want to do something, be it a walk, stretch, meditate, yoga, etc., don't take the time to rationalize getting up and doing it: JUST DO IT, and seize the moment. Even if it's one minute....eventually the one minute will FEEL GOOD, then it becomes two minutes... Then you have a routine of FEELING GOOD, and the negative thoughts go away. (Start slow and simply). This momentum creates amazing things!! Right Alex?

Friday, February 14, 2014

working out, Caribbean style

So, I've come to the realization that I'm "not in Kansas anymore"...I don't get up at 6am and walk my dogs on a leash 2 miles through the neighborhood, get my yoga and Pilates in before 7:30am, and get my day kicking like being shot out of a cannon anymore.
Dogs can be leash free on the beach and I do my daily meditation/yoga/Pilates routine outside on my deck at 5:30 am (I love it!) under the stars before the sun rises (on an island, that's one hour before the weather channel says). When Rasa is done with school, we snorkel to relax and exercise, and explore. The best reefs are just outside our back door.
But, what I recently discovered is that people, here, love being outside: spin classes bring their bikes outside, overlooking the beach and there's a public "park" for working out. At this park, there's a track, outdoor gym equipment, a stadium for sporting events (baseball and soccer is big here), batting cages and tennis courts. It's busiest times are early evenings, after 4:00pm. All ages are running, walking, playing, working out.....then walk home. We actually have sidewalks throughout the town! The coolest thing I've seen are old (I mean OLD!) men riding bikes through town, and we have some wickedly steep hills here. It's really pretty awesome to watch and be a part of.