Wednesday, July 27, 2011

want vs.need vs.desire

Sometimes "wanting" to workout and "needing" to workout become one in the same. I find that I want to workout because I know in the end, I will feel great and know I am keeping myself healthy.  Nice perk! I also find that if I "need" to workout, it is often because I did something that I need to make up for. So there's the guilt factor in that "need".  So, does one get driven by guilt or desire???  The guilt can be the impetus that leads to a desire.....make sense?  In my case, the "guilt" of not regularly doing my yoga practice led to tightness and lower back stiffness, which led to the "need" to do my practice, which ended up filling me with the "desire" to work harder because it FEELS SO GOOD WHEN I'M DONE!!

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