Wednesday, March 19, 2014

re-designing routines

The beauty of island life is having the opportunity to be outdoors all year long. I had to break my thinking of gyms, competitiveness, routine, goals. 
These days, it's meditation, a long, gentle yoga practice (my body decides what my routine is that day), walking the beach with my dog and swimming/snorkeling in the Caribbean (if the tide and current allows). 
I guess what I'm figuring out as I get older is that it's better to take it easy, yet stay active than to do nothing and overeat. And the bottom line is : do what makes you FEEL GOOD!  

Monday, March 10, 2014

mother nature's stair master

My dog Ollie and I have found our walks on the beach to be full of climbing and ducking trees and branches; such a different shoreline than the east coast. So I think our daily neighborhood dog walks of 2-3 miles, on sidewalks, to be like a stair master set on 2 and our beach walks are like setting it at 7.  What a nice form of functional fitness, being out in nature.