Sunday, January 23, 2011


I was inspired today, after a walk with a friend, to start blogging about our progress, training for a half marathon walk in NYC this spring.  After only 1 month of walking weekly with her, I felt so awestruck that we could have such high ambitions and strong wills to pursue this dream - at our ages (50+).
Luckily, we like to walk, so the start wasn't too bad (4 miles). Each week we'd add 1+ miles to increase our stamina and strength. Well, week 4, we've more than doubled our starting mileage (8.5). Yay!
Achey, yes. Stiff, yes. Empowered, YES!! Grateful, HELL YA!   Two months to go......

1 comment:

  1. One (of many) things I like about you? When you decide to do something you DO it!
