There's nothing more rewarding than accomplishing a physical challenge: one that involves nothing but you and your body (oh, and gravity!). If we seriously, intentionally, make a challenge for ourselves and set the goal to achieve it, IT CAN BE DONE! Realistic, true goal setting.
In yoga, the challenges often are postures that defy gravity and body weight/build, etc. But given a challenging posture and a DESIRE to achieve that pose can be one of the most simplest rushes one can experience. The self satisfaction of knowing that no one and nothing had anything to do with this but "me, myself, and I". I become motivated, very present with myself and start the inner dialogue ("Can I do this" or "Why am I doing this"). Then comes the conversation with myself ("No, I think the pelvis should tilt more" or "I need to engage my core more and stop thinking about my feet"). Believe me, much effort and energy is needed to have these conversations with myself. But then comes the stillness of the "SWEET SPOT": all becomes quiet..........the inner dialogue diminishes.... the adjustments have been made...and BAM! I'm in my pose with effortlessness. SWEEEET!
A perfect description of what goes thru my mind while attempting to reach the "sweet spot"!