Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Inward first...

A good friend once told me, "inward first; outward second". On a spiritual level, I understood what he meant. But, in my new living situation, I am finding that getting "mindfully fit" is key to being "physically fit". 
My new morning ritual, since I moved to the Caribbean, is to get up at 5am to sit and listen: hearing the coquis, the birds, the trade winds blow, the waves crashing on the shore. Then, watching the sky change from dark, starlight to indigo blue into sunrise glow, smelling the scent of the Caribbean Sea. 
Once, I've awoken my senses, then I am set to start moving my body; my yoga practice can now begin, followed by my Pilates practice. My new ritual has more rewarding benefits than when I would run out the door to dog walk 4 miles at sunrise.With a calmer mind, my workouts are more conscious, therefore my body is more responsive.

"Inward fitness first; outward fitness second!"

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