Monday, June 13, 2011


I find that doing any workout (gym, walk in the park, etc.) needs a little flame to get you going. In most cases, it's a goal to reach (e.g. class reunions, weddings, social events, losing weight 'before' the special event, etc.). So when these "special reasons" to workout aren't around, is there any reason to stay on that workout schedule? Besides feeling good, which I think is a pretty nice addiction, it almost becomes a necessity. The need to be healthy enough to get to that "feel good" after a workout should be enough, right? Eventually, the "special reasons" become just little add ons to the necessities of life. Unfortunately, as we get older, that awareness becomes part of the driving force to staying healthy. Besides, who doesn't want to feel good, look good, and spread that vibe of good health wherever they go? It's a pretty nice contagious feeling!

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