Thursday, June 23, 2011


"...everything in balance, including balance".  Now, there are yoga balancing poses, which challenges one to be able to stand on one foot, or on two hands. There's balance in nature with environment and animals. But, then there is the balance of life. All that we think, speak and do must be done in balance, otherwise we could throw off the harmony in our lives and others'. As with all things, there's a give and take. That, too, can be a balancing act.
To me, balance is eating a huge plate of eggplant parmigiana and walking my dogs after, a couple of miles to burn off the calories I ingested. Or better yet, walking 4 miles in the morning, doing Yoga/Pilates/kettlebells in the afternoon, then taking my kids out for a movie with a big bucket of white cheddar buttered popcorn with a big soda and peanut M & M's.  NOW THAT'S BALANCE!!

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