Friday, July 1, 2011


Sometimes I create a goal (diet, specific yoga posture, exercise program...) and focus on what I need to do to make it happen. That's when the "struggle" begins. That one goal becomes this HUGE effort that does not feel like any fun to try and do. So now I've spent minutes, hours, days trying to figure out why it is too hard to do. Sometimes it'll keep me up at night. But, all the while I am miss out! During all that thinking, I have already burned time, energy, andrenaline....I think the key is TRYING. At least I know if I TRY, then I can make an educated decision whether it's going to be a "yes" or a "no". Oh, but then I can go into the thinking of the "what if's" of trying. But I won't go there.
I may faulter a few times in my efforts, but most of the time, the FUN IS IN THE TRYING!

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