Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Even in the midst of drudgery and despair, there's the hope that one's ability to move two legs can get a person from point A to point B. So this weekend, point A to point B was 7.5 miles - walking. Who was I kidding? I hardly walked all week because it was so cold, wet and dreary out - nice excuse, since I live next door to a gym. My poor dog looked at me all week with her sad eyes wondering when I'd pick up that leash and head out the door.
And then.....came the text message: "Do you want to walk today?"  My conscience can actually text???? Oh, ya!  It was my walking buddy and motivator. In a matter of 30 seconds, while holding my phone, staring at that text message, 20 excuses not to walk floated through my head.  I took a deep breath, raised my thumb over the "N" then over the "Y". What's going to be??
Oh my gosh! Lifetimes went by in those 30 seconds.  What a waste of energy! I could be walking in the amount of time it took to decide!!
"YES!"  Of course. I knew I would feel better once I got outside. I knew I would love talking with my buddy as we trekked  on the road from point A to point B.  I knew the rewards would be numerous.
So, after our 2 hour walk, it was all worth it. All of it!  The feeling of air and sun and beauty all around us, smelling the salt air of the beach close by, the joy of commaraderie and accomplishment - all worth it.
It's a wonderful thing to know I could turn 30 seconds of pure agony and self sabotage into pure SATISFACTION!! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how many times I've felt exactly the same way (not necessarily over walking, but over all kinds of things)! It's one of the things I love about texting. In the 30 secs it takes me to text back I can change my mind 10 or 15 tines! I'm glad you decided YES this time! Thanks for being MY motivator!
