Sunday, May 1, 2011

Able minded/Able bodied

Okay. Race is done! 13.1 miles in Central Park and I did it!! It was so zen. What I find so amazing about the whole experience is the physical preparation I went through (with alot of help from my walking buddy! - Thank you!!), the mental preparation, then the mental/physical preparation (aka "the head trip").  Do we psych ourselves up for an event or do we psych ourselves out? Hmmmm! Through this whole process I realized it was both - all the way up to the last minute!
I was well prepared physically, nutritionally, psychologically for the race. Then came the "head trip" of "what if.....?" "What if I can't do 13.1 miles?" "What if it is too cold?" "What if it's too hot?" "What if it rained?" The answers to all the "what if's" became : THEN DON'T DO IT!  I already walked 13.1 on my home turf, who needed this old race? Blah! Blah!Blah!
All the way up until the day of the race came these questions/doubts. But then it dawned on me that I am ABLE to do this (I did it at home, why not NYC?). I am ABLE to get through this whether or not I finish in time. I am able to get through this because I had my kids there rooting me on! How could I not succeed?
The reality of all this is not that I was able bodied, but able minded. My mind just needed to RE-MIND my body. Mind over matter = success!
And so these fleeting thoughts passed. The race was run. The day was absolutely perfect. The support team (my 3 kids) were by my side. It was a complete success.
And so the  moral to the story really is to have that glass of chianti and that tiramisu the night before a big race and everything will be alright!!

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