Monday, December 30, 2013

holidays: quality vs. quantity

The holidays are truly a time of celebration and indulgences. Whether it is food, drink, parties, it all often results in guilt and resolutions. But, I find that often, the indulgences are a form of stress relief. For about a week each year (aka the "holiday season"), we give ourselves permission to let go of the daily grind and get a free ticket to "cut loose".  Consequences will often ensue.
So, conversely, this year, stress was non-existent in our new environment; relaxation and fun was to be in the forefront. Presents were wrapped, sent, hidden and the holiday season began to unfold. How indulgent it felt to not "give" to the point of exhaustion. Quality of time won over quantity of presents, food and drinks. I highly recommend it. This year, it saved us time, energy, calories, money and our sanity. I think my family kinda liked me better too.

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