Friday, December 2, 2011


I spend my free time looking at the latest Yoga Journal hoping for some inspiration to strive for. In the best case scenario, I find a pose that I can put on my "Dream Board" and hope I can achieve it by the end of the year. Other times I just vicariously live my "wish pose" through other yogis. But, then, by surprise, the sun is bright, the ocean is calm and smelling so sweet. I connect with Mother Earth and Sister Ocean and my dream pose comes into fruition. The right pose comes out of my heart and into my body and it's MAGICAL. It effortlessly flows out of me as if I had no control, taking me to such a high that's  so indescribable. Not bad for being half a century old, I'd say!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Crystal clear blue skies, the sweet salty air, the warmth of the sun, the beautiful boundless ocean reaching beyond the horizon, good friends, an open heart, and a yoga mat.........magic!  Anything is possible!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

headstand by candlelight

After a long night of costumes, candy and trick or treating,  Halloween was coming to an end.  Fun, yes. But, exhausting just the same.
As the silence of children in comas overtook the sounds in my house, I found myself in my studio walking around with a candle in the dark. What was I looking for? Or better yet, what was I hoping to find?
I just sat down on my yoga mat on the floor and found myself mesmerized by the flame and the beauty of the hand blown glass container it was in. Slowly, I put it down and just started to do a headstand in the candlelit darkness. My external awareness became numbed by the sensations in my body, turning my world upside down (or rather, right side up). How glorious it felt to connect with ME. I found the peace I was looking for...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

change of seasons

As we go from summer's warmth to fall's cooler temperatures, our fitness routines must make the change as well. One thing that should remain the same: sunshine and fresh air. That sense of well being and euphoria is compromised by the waning daylight during these cooler seasons. So, keep taking those long outdoor walks and continue to spend as much time possible out in nature. The benefits are only positive!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

want vs.need vs.desire

Sometimes "wanting" to workout and "needing" to workout become one in the same. I find that I want to workout because I know in the end, I will feel great and know I am keeping myself healthy.  Nice perk! I also find that if I "need" to workout, it is often because I did something that I need to make up for. So there's the guilt factor in that "need".  So, does one get driven by guilt or desire???  The guilt can be the impetus that leads to a desire.....make sense?  In my case, the "guilt" of not regularly doing my yoga practice led to tightness and lower back stiffness, which led to the "need" to do my practice, which ended up filling me with the "desire" to work harder because it FEELS SO GOOD WHEN I'M DONE!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

mindful moment

Anyone, ANYONE can take a break from their daily routine, work, chores, for one hour to reconnect with the mind and body!! ANYONE!! You just have to WANT TO. Sometimes "wanting to" takes a little peer pressure..... And, oh does it feel so good!
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

open heart/open mind

Working out can sometimes be such a "chore". Some feel they HAVE TO get their workout done before the day is over or they will feel incomplete (i.e. working out has been added to chores like doing the dishes, washing the laundry, taking out the garbage, etc.). Drudgery, boredom, and retaliation often will follow. But oddly enough, just going to your heart of hearts - make your workout something you TREAT YOURSELF to. It does not always have to be "the list" from Men's Journal or Self magazine (and realistically, we know we will never come close to looking like the model on the cover). It can be fun and creative and self designed. But the bottom line, it has to be from your heart, and know it feels good. Eventually, one can train one's self to make up different exercises that target the muscle groups of focus or regularly change up that daily cardio workout. Take your workout to different locations: the beach, the park, in the woods. When doing it with an open heart and an open mind, it becomes like a daily gift to yourself, a special treat to look forward to (kinda like that slice of chocolate cake after a healthy meal!).

Friday, July 1, 2011


Sometimes I create a goal (diet, specific yoga posture, exercise program...) and focus on what I need to do to make it happen. That's when the "struggle" begins. That one goal becomes this HUGE effort that does not feel like any fun to try and do. So now I've spent minutes, hours, days trying to figure out why it is too hard to do. Sometimes it'll keep me up at night. But, all the while I am miss out! During all that thinking, I have already burned time, energy, andrenaline....I think the key is TRYING. At least I know if I TRY, then I can make an educated decision whether it's going to be a "yes" or a "no". Oh, but then I can go into the thinking of the "what if's" of trying. But I won't go there.
I may faulter a few times in my efforts, but most of the time, the FUN IS IN THE TRYING!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


"...everything in balance, including balance".  Now, there are yoga balancing poses, which challenges one to be able to stand on one foot, or on two hands. There's balance in nature with environment and animals. But, then there is the balance of life. All that we think, speak and do must be done in balance, otherwise we could throw off the harmony in our lives and others'. As with all things, there's a give and take. That, too, can be a balancing act.
To me, balance is eating a huge plate of eggplant parmigiana and walking my dogs after, a couple of miles to burn off the calories I ingested. Or better yet, walking 4 miles in the morning, doing Yoga/Pilates/kettlebells in the afternoon, then taking my kids out for a movie with a big bucket of white cheddar buttered popcorn with a big soda and peanut M & M's.  NOW THAT'S BALANCE!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I find that doing any workout (gym, walk in the park, etc.) needs a little flame to get you going. In most cases, it's a goal to reach (e.g. class reunions, weddings, social events, losing weight 'before' the special event, etc.). So when these "special reasons" to workout aren't around, is there any reason to stay on that workout schedule? Besides feeling good, which I think is a pretty nice addiction, it almost becomes a necessity. The need to be healthy enough to get to that "feel good" after a workout should be enough, right? Eventually, the "special reasons" become just little add ons to the necessities of life. Unfortunately, as we get older, that awareness becomes part of the driving force to staying healthy. Besides, who doesn't want to feel good, look good, and spread that vibe of good health wherever they go? It's a pretty nice contagious feeling!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


The depth of any workout success comes from the heart. It is not limited to the cardio-vascular aspect of a workout, but the desire, energy and intention behind a workout. I personally know that after a rewarding workout (long walk, bike, Pilates or Yoga, or even just playing with the dogs ,which can be a workout) the feeling of incredible joy and satisfaction comes deep from within my heart. All of a sudden there is immense love for everyone and everything flowing through my veins. It's PASSION! Of course, there is definitely some sweat involved, but the euphoria is so exponential! It's worth the mental, emotional and physical detox. The best part is it puts my day back on track for success.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friendship and Fitness

There's nothing more heartwarming than sharing the endorphin rush of a good walk, workout, bike, or run with the ones you love. It is a great way to be updated on current events, brainstorming for a solution, venting over hardships and conflicts, or just having a great laugh over situations that are funny enough to share. Creativity can be enhanced, fresh ideas can rise to the surface and friendships can be empowered. Time flies and what can be drudgery can be fun and rewarding. It's a powerful way to get fit and happy, all in one package! It works with dogs, too. They're great listeners!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"The Sweet Spot"

There's nothing more rewarding than accomplishing a physical challenge: one that involves nothing but you and your body (oh, and gravity!). If we seriously, intentionally, make a challenge for ourselves and set the goal to achieve it, IT CAN BE DONE!  Realistic, true goal setting.
In yoga, the challenges often are postures that defy gravity and body weight/build, etc. But given a challenging posture and a DESIRE to achieve that pose can be one of the most simplest rushes one can experience. The self satisfaction of knowing that no one and nothing had anything to do with this but "me, myself, and I". I become motivated, very present with myself and start the inner dialogue ("Can I do this" or "Why am I doing this"). Then comes the conversation with myself ("No, I think the pelvis should tilt more" or  "I need to engage my core more and stop thinking about my feet").  Believe me, much effort and energy is needed to have these conversations with myself. But then comes the stillness of the "SWEET SPOT": all becomes quiet..........the inner dialogue diminishes.... the adjustments have been made...and BAM! I'm in my pose with effortlessness. SWEEEET!  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Able minded/Able bodied

Okay. Race is done! 13.1 miles in Central Park and I did it!! It was so zen. What I find so amazing about the whole experience is the physical preparation I went through (with alot of help from my walking buddy! - Thank you!!), the mental preparation, then the mental/physical preparation (aka "the head trip").  Do we psych ourselves up for an event or do we psych ourselves out? Hmmmm! Through this whole process I realized it was both - all the way up to the last minute!
I was well prepared physically, nutritionally, psychologically for the race. Then came the "head trip" of "what if.....?" "What if I can't do 13.1 miles?" "What if it is too cold?" "What if it's too hot?" "What if it rained?" The answers to all the "what if's" became : THEN DON'T DO IT!  I already walked 13.1 on my home turf, who needed this old race? Blah! Blah!Blah!
All the way up until the day of the race came these questions/doubts. But then it dawned on me that I am ABLE to do this (I did it at home, why not NYC?). I am ABLE to get through this whether or not I finish in time. I am able to get through this because I had my kids there rooting me on! How could I not succeed?
The reality of all this is not that I was able bodied, but able minded. My mind just needed to RE-MIND my body. Mind over matter = success!
And so these fleeting thoughts passed. The race was run. The day was absolutely perfect. The support team (my 3 kids) were by my side. It was a complete success.
And so the  moral to the story really is to have that glass of chianti and that tiramisu the night before a big race and everything will be alright!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


With just a little over a month left to train for this half marathon walk, which I registered for, the fear has set in. What was I thinking? Why did I want to do this again? Of course, I'm asking these questions to my dog, Indigo.
So as I went on ranting and raving over the choice to bite the bullet and register, Indigo looked at me with her calm, gentle, loving eyes....and there the answer was: " WALK ME!" her eyes said. Now the question to that answer really was, "Who was asking the question?".
Off we went. My mentor and me!! She, unconditionally, walked 4.5 miles with me yesterday, with such joy in her tail and I joined her, wagging my tail, as we walked through our neighborhood, enjoying the "spring" day.
I dropped her off at home to get water and rest from her chivalrous duty/fun loving walk and went on to finish the last two on my own.
The fear was gone and the joy returned. My dog saved me from the ravages of fear and reminded me that I am doing this for fun (and to prove that this soon-to-be 50 year old still has some spunk left in her swagger!).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So many of us start out our workouts with a list of complaints for the day: waking up at 2am and not going back to sleep, dogs throwing up besides your bed and awakening to your first step in it, know. But once the challenges of your workout begins and the aching and sweating kicks in, life is good again and the not so good things that started your day become kinda funny. Then you realize that just the blessing of being able to get out of bed and get up to workout can actually be a joyful experience. AND YOU KNOW IT ALWAYS FEEL GOOD WHEN IT'S OVER!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Even in the midst of drudgery and despair, there's the hope that one's ability to move two legs can get a person from point A to point B. So this weekend, point A to point B was 7.5 miles - walking. Who was I kidding? I hardly walked all week because it was so cold, wet and dreary out - nice excuse, since I live next door to a gym. My poor dog looked at me all week with her sad eyes wondering when I'd pick up that leash and head out the door.
And then.....came the text message: "Do you want to walk today?"  My conscience can actually text???? Oh, ya!  It was my walking buddy and motivator. In a matter of 30 seconds, while holding my phone, staring at that text message, 20 excuses not to walk floated through my head.  I took a deep breath, raised my thumb over the "N" then over the "Y". What's going to be??
Oh my gosh! Lifetimes went by in those 30 seconds.  What a waste of energy! I could be walking in the amount of time it took to decide!!
"YES!"  Of course. I knew I would feel better once I got outside. I knew I would love talking with my buddy as we trekked  on the road from point A to point B.  I knew the rewards would be numerous.
So, after our 2 hour walk, it was all worth it. All of it!  The feeling of air and sun and beauty all around us, smelling the salt air of the beach close by, the joy of commaraderie and accomplishment - all worth it.
It's a wonderful thing to know I could turn 30 seconds of pure agony and self sabotage into pure SATISFACTION!! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I guess it's important to write a blog when you're not too tired to proofread your work....

"The Push" first happens when you get up. You could either roll over after you hit the snooze button, OR start 'thinking' about how you want to start your day (coffee or tea, oatmeal or eggs?) while still under the covers, OR get your lazy ass out of bed and put on your workout clothes and go to the gym or walk the dog. Why? Because, in the end, you know if you do you will be so much happier with yourself.  You'll feel so good once you get started, be so satisfied when you're done and manifest an amazing day. THAT'S WHY!
So don't think about it, because you know you've already debated it over and over again in your head. Just do it! You already know why!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There's nothing more exhilerating than watching your passion spread like wildfire to others. For instance, in yoga class a student's ambition was to start doing handstand pushups. Well, we all jumped on that bandwagon and before you knew it, we were all trying, falling and trying again. Once we all got up and did our first pushups, we all clapped for one another, as each one achieved their first upside down pushup. It makes one so proud to be in the company of others who support,  feed energy and fresh ideas to one others. It's a win, win situation.
Next goal: scorpion pose!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I was inspired today, after a walk with a friend, to start blogging about our progress, training for a half marathon walk in NYC this spring.  After only 1 month of walking weekly with her, I felt so awestruck that we could have such high ambitions and strong wills to pursue this dream - at our ages (50+).
Luckily, we like to walk, so the start wasn't too bad (4 miles). Each week we'd add 1+ miles to increase our stamina and strength. Well, week 4, we've more than doubled our starting mileage (8.5). Yay!
Achey, yes. Stiff, yes. Empowered, YES!! Grateful, HELL YA!   Two months to go......